7th International Conference on PLMSS
Empowering Technology For Innovators
- Preamble
- Scope
- About CABS, DRDO, Bangalore
- About IISC, Bangalore & CPDM
- About PLMSS Trust
- Themes
- Conference Papers
- Pre-Conference Workshop
- Important Dates
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) as a concept though originating from Aerospace and Automotive industries has become the mainstay of all innovation driven industries. PLM encompasses product development, management, collaboration, programs and project management, manufacturing streamlining and maintenance management and is the core of all engineering centred enterprises.
Product Life Cycle Modelling, Simulation and Synthesis (PLMSS) – 2019 is a platform to take stock of current PLM technologies and identify their applications in making futuristic products. The conference intends to bring together research institutes, academicians, design practitioners, government agencies, PSUs, industry representatives and management institutes for discussing the new approaches, innovative applications, the challenges and issues related to PLM. PLM has the potential to make a significant contribution to the “Make in India” campaign. Seventh in the series, this conference aims to have an international debate on future trends in PLM and revamping the engineering culture to adapt the PLM for seamless engineering collaboration.
The six previous PLMSS conferences were successfully hosted by ADA-Bangalore with IISc, NAL-Bangalore, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, VIT University Vellore, ASL- Hyderabad jointly with BITS Pilani Hyderabad, DIAT-Pune jointly with Tech Mahindra during Dec 2006, Nov 2008, Dec 2011, Jan 2014, Dec 2015, Dec 2017 respectively.
Organised By
Centre for Airborne Systems (CABS), Bangalore, and Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing (CPDM), Indian Institute of Science(IISc) Bangalore have come together to jointly host the seventh International Conference on “Product Lifecycle, Modeling, Simulation and Synthesis (7th PLMSS – 2019)” under the aegis of PLMSS Trust during December 18 – 20, 2019 at Taj MG Road, Bengaluru, preceded by a Pre-Conference Workshop on Industry 4.0 during 16-17 Dec 2019 to be held at the same venue.
The central theme of PLMSS 2019 is Enterprise Life Cycle. The enterprise life cycle is a key concept in enterprise architecture, enterprise engineering and systems engineering. In Industry, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is the process of managing the entire life cycle of a product from inception, through engineering design and manufacture, to service and disposal. The conference is an avenue to promote, guide, manage, coordinate, execute and disseminate activities in the following areas:
Systems Engineering
Program Management
Enterprise Resource Planning
Computer Aided Design
Computer Aided Engineering and Analysis
Product Lifecycle Management
Industry 4.0 and other related topics
About CABS, DRDO, Bangalore
The Centre for Airborne Systems (CABS) is a laboratory of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) of India. Located in Bengaluru, its primary function is design, development & evaluation of airborne surveillance systems.
CABS is committed to design and develop Airborne Force Multipliers in cost effective ways to meet user requirements and continuously improve the systems / products through an efficient quality management system. CABS has successfully developed and inducted the indigenous Airborne Early Warning and Control System into IAF. CABS has adopted System Engineering and Product Lifecycle Management solutions in development of complex system of systems and is a pioneering effort in DRDO towards enabling collaborative effort & effective management digitally connecting through PLM, all DRDO work centres spread across India thus enabling concurrent development.
About IISC, Bangalore & CPDM
IISc is among India’s leading institutions for advanced education and research in sciences and engineering. IISc’s faculty, numbering around 500, carries out research in 42 departments, attracting over 4000 students, with over 2,700 doctoral students, 900 master’s students, and 400 students in a four-year, research oriented undergraduate programme in the sciences. IISc has a wooded, vibrant, 440 acre campus in the city of Bengaluru. The Institute also has a 1500 acre campus at Challakere in the Chitradurga district of Karnataka, training science teachers, and carrying out research in areas of immediate social impact.
Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing (CPDM) is the design and manufacturing face of IISc. It is the most research-intensive design & manufacturing school in India. It trains students in developing and making systemically-complex, technologically-intensive, and socially-impactful solutions that are functional, aesthetic, usable and sustainable. It is among the top design schools in the world, focusing on development of hardware products. It’s two flagship programmes are MDes in Product Design & Engg. and MTech in Smart Manufacturing. CPDM pursues research in advanced design and manufacturing, e.g. Design Theory & Methodology, PLM, Human Factors, User Interface, Vehicle Safety, Sustainability, Industry 4.0, Digital Manufacturing, Supply Chains, Additive Manufacturing, New Materials & processes, etc., with applications in Automotive, Aerospace and Biomedical sectors.
About PLMSS Trust
PLMSS Trust was registered on 3rd Dec 2014 at Bangalore by the Heads of DRDO Labs, NAL, ADA, IISc in order to take up research, aid, promote, guide, manage, coordinate, execute and disseminate activities in the area of CAD, CAM, CAE, PLM, ERP and other related topics in Aerospace, Automobile, Avionics and other high tech industries. PLMSS 2019 conference is being planned to provide a platform to discuss the trends and advancements in the area of PLMSS for Engineering and Technology applications/processes. Active participation from Academia, Industry Professionals, Researchers, R & D Establishments and Innovators is solicited. PLMSS – 2019 will include Pre-conference workshop, Invited/Plenary talks, Oral and Poster presentations, Exhibition, Panel Discussions etc.
Product Definition: CAD/Geometrical Modeling, Requirements Engineering, Conceptual Design, Quality & Reliability, Computational Material Engineering, Integration aspects of Product Development and System Engineering.
Product Visualization: Computational and Conceptual Graphics, Virtual Prototyping and Distributed Visualization.
Product Modeling and Simulation: Computer Aided Engineering, Multi-Disciplinary Analysis and Optimization, Smart Structure Modeling and Analysis, Advanced Materials and Applications
Product Realization: Advanced Manufacturing Techniques, Rapid Prototyping, Jig-less Manufacturing,Process Planning & Control,Green Manufacturing and 3DPrinting.
Lifecycle Management: Standards, Metrics and Regulations, Simulation Tools, Lifecycle Managements Integration, Validations Maintenance and Recycling.
Product Management: Program/Product Management,Supply Chain and Value Chain, Product Delivery System.
Advanced Product Development Frame Work: Knowledge Based Engineering, Distributed Data Management, Secure Data Exchanges, Information and Knowledge Modeling, Architecture Development.
Emerging Trends of PLMSS: Data Analytics, Cyber Systems and Internet of Things, Cloud based PLM, Kanban methodology,Agile Development, Mobile PLM,Product Support, Services and Systems,Lifecycle Assessment and Sustainability, Eco PLM Design, Digitalization of PLM.
Implementation of PLM: Case Studies, PLM Infrastructure, Redundant Architecture, Scalability, Agile PLM and Interoperability with Enterprise Solutions.
Industry 4.0: Smart factories, Web enabled Manufacturing, Decision Making, Autonomous Robots, Additive manufacturing, Augmented reality
Conference Papers

Pre-Conference Workshop
A pre-conference workshop on Industry 4.0 will be organized on 16 and 17 December 2019 at Taj MG Road, Bengaluru, the conference venue.
The workshop is intended to provide an overview of key concepts and technologies underlying Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution, which is disruptively reshaping the design and manufacturing of the future. The workshop is intended for students, academics, practitioners and policymakers that work in or with the areas of design, manufacturing, innovation and entrepreneurship. The major areas covered in the workshop include:
Cyber Physical Systems
Digital Manufacturing
Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality
Additive Manufacturing
IoT and Communication Protocols etc
Important Dates
Last date for
Submission of Abstract : 20 Sep 2019
Submission of Full Papers : 12 Nov 2019
Communicating Reviewer’s Comments : 16 Nov 2019
Camera Ready Paper Submission : 23 Nov 2019
(Only full papers will be reviewed. Abstracts are solicitated to match the scope of the conference. Please note that submission of paper, all correspondence and payment etc has to be made through online only, details will be on the website)